
12/21/2024 - A Few Updates

When I got this site online a couple months ago, it was my plan to keep it updated and active. I didn't want it to just sit and stagnate, and that's pretty much what's happened thus far. I'm not sure if I want to discuss everything that happened in November, but it was a very difficult month for me and it kept me from engaging with projects for a while. I just needed time to let myself process things and rest my brain.

I finally started easing back into a new project a couple weeks ago. I don't have much to show for it yet, but I'm dipping my toes into 3D modeling - with a goal in mind that I'm really excited about!

I don't have much to show here right now, but I just wanted to leave a quick blog to say that this page isn't dead!

Oh.. and Happy Chrimbob.