
10/30/2024 - Hello World!


I'm proud to finally show off this webpage! I was originally planning on making a simple page with a software tool, but I eventually opted to try building one from scratch and it became a bit of an obsession XD

It's been a pretty rewarding project to work on, and I feel like I've learned a lot about html and css! Most of the code I've used for this place is (intentionally) pretty deprecated, but I still feel like I've learned some useful core functions that I have every intention of expanding upon.

That being said, my code here is a bit of a mess. You may notice some inconsistency with stuff like margins and font sizes (I certainly do) and I plan on continuing to improve things, but right now I'm just glad to have it half-way functional lol

I'm planning on having lots of neat stuff here, so feel free to check back every now and then!